Englihs Springer Spaniel

(+34) 626 25 66 11



CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Of medium size, rather wide, slightly rounded, rising from the front, forming a ridge or stop, divided between the eyes that disappears in a groove along the front to the occiput should not be pronounced.


Nose: Nostrils well developed. Muzzle: Its length should be in proportion to the skull, the muzzle should be quite broad and deep, well chiselled below the eyes. Lips: Fairly deep and square. Jaws / Teeth: Jaws strong with regular scissor bite and full, meaning that the inside of the upper incisors are in close contact with the outside of the lower incisor teeth and set upright in the jaws. Cheeks: Flat. Eyes: Medium size, almond shaped, neither prominent nor sunken, well set in (not showing haw), expression lively and kind. Dark hazel. Light eyes undesirable. Ears: Lobular, good length and width, hanging quite close to the head and insert the line at the eye. Well equipped with long hair as a feather.


Strong muscular, pretty long, no dewlap. Should be slightly arched and tapering towards head, this gives activity and speed. A neck that has no such features is unacceptable.


Strong and of proportionate length, neither too long nor too short; Loin: Muscular, strong with slight arch and well coupled. Chest: deep and well developed. The ribs are well sprung.


Forequarters The forelimbs are straight and well boned. Shoulders: Well laid back. Elbows: Well placed near the body. Metacarpals: Strong, flexible.


They should be well let down. Thighs: Broad, muscular and well developed. Femoro-tibial joint patellar (knee) and Hocks: Moderately angulated. Coarse hocks undesirable.


Tight, compact, well rounded, with thick pads and strong.PROGRESS has a strictly proper motion. The front will extend forward from the shoulders, stepping long, smooth and effortless. Hocks move well under him, along the lines of the forelimbs. In slow motion you can amble, pace typical of this breed.


Docked: Set low, never with his demeanor on the top line. With good fringe and gay in action. Undocked: Set low, never with his demeanor on the top line. With good fringe and gay in action. In balance with the rest of the dog.


HAIR: Dense, limp and resistant to weather, never coarse. The ears, fore and hind legs and body are covered with hair in a moderately long feather.


Liver and white, black and white, or either of these colors with tan markings.


Approximate height at withers: 51 cm (20 inches). Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which it is considered the degree of the fault and its consequences on health and welfare of the dog. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified Note. Males will have both testicles descended the scrotum.

© PIMPAMPUM english springer spaniel   -  springerpimpampum@gmail.com